Monday, August 15, 2011

Busy bee

It has been a very long time. I have been cooking, but not a whole lot of new recipes.
Also so much has been going on lately within what feels like a matter of seconds, ok really days, I applied for, interviewed for, and was offered a job! Im so excited to have finally after 2 years of searching found a full time "career" type job. Or as I like to call it a "big girl" job.

I leave in 2 days for a vacation to visit a friend in Switzerland and 3 days after I get back I start my new job! My plan is to when I get back make Sundays a big cooking day so I have meals prepped and ready for the week. Im also on the hunt for healthy vegetarian crock pot recipes. If anyone knows of any please share.

I will probably post about the food in Switzerland when I get back, because one of the best parts of traveling is food!