Sunday, July 10, 2011

Spinach angel hair

It sure has been awhile! Life has been busy I suppose. 

One of my favorite things about summer are the farmers markets and all the fresh local produce. This weekend I went to my favorite farmers market that I grew up going to every summer. One of my purchases was homemade pasta - spinach angel hair was one which is what I cooked with tonight for my lunch tomorrow at work. 

While I was cooking the pasta I went out to my little herb boxed garden and picked some fresh basil and oregano. 
I also had bought some fresh asparagus at the farmers market so decided to use a few of those. I was only making one serving of this otherwise I would have used more of everything. I cut the asparagus into about 1/2 - 1 inch pieces and dropped those in the last couple minutes of cooking time with the pasta. 
I also had earlier in the day eaten locally grown corn and had one ear left so sliced the corn off the cob and also cut cherry tomatoes in half. 

When the pasta was al dente, I drained it and placed it back in the pot and threw in the veggies, the chopped herbs and then drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar - I didnt measure how much I added, I just tasted and then based it off of that. Then I finished it off with some fresh cracked pepper and some feta cheese. Im ready for lunch tomorrow already!
